Now you should be able to use the HDF libraries and compile your project without exception. Simply give the second path I mentioned above. Then, go to the Source tab and you should see Native library location under your project. 7-Zip Ableton Live Access ACML ADF Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Digital Editions Adobe DNG Converter Adobe Spark ADS and EMPRO Agda AGI STK Aida AIMPRO Aladin ALBERTA Alma Altium Designer Amaya AMBER Anaconda Android Studio Ansys Ant Apache Software Library Ape ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS Pro Arduino Artemis ATLAS.ti Atmel Studio. Under the Libraries tab, you have to provide all the JARs contained in the first path I mentioned above. Native libs: /Applications/Īt this point, you can open Eclipse and go to the 'Build Path Configuration' of your project and provide both the JARs and the native lib path. JARs files : /Applications/ This 'app' (right click, Show Package Content) contains the java libraries for HDF4 and HDF5, as well as the native librairies (. You need open it and drag it to your application folder. Then, the following dmg appears in the build directory HDFView-2.10.1-Darwin.dmg (for version 2.10.1 of course). For those with the same problem, here is what I did.Īfter building the HDF-java software with cmake (as described in the link I provided), I still get the error message Įrror in read script: /Users/fg/Downloads/build/HDFJAVAMacCMake.cmakeīut everything has been compiled successfully (I still don't know why I get this message though). Okay, I managed to link and use the library in Eclipse.